I want to encode a php file with uuencode to use it with
I only found a way to encode a string, but no way to encode a complete php file (or php code).
You can simply read data of your file
$contentString = file_get_contents(PATH_TO_PHP/some.php)
adn then do same eval(gzuncompress(convert_uudecode($contentString)));
if you need to have as result this string
<?php eval(gzuncompress(convert_uudecode("M>)S=6PEOVTBR_BL90,\x5c2(9D0;W+\x5c%.Q@UKL;O,7,K. ............. a")));
you have to do following
// Reading file content
$phpFileContent = file_get_content("PATH/some.php");
// Remove <?php and ?> from your content
$phpFileContent = str_replace(array('<?php', '?>'), '', $phpFileContent);
// Encoding and compressing
$phpFileContent = convert_uuencode( gzcompress($phpFileContent) );
// Your result string
$result = '<?php eval(gzuncompress(convert_uudecode("' . $phpFileContent . '")));';
//which you can write to some other php file with file_put_contensts
file_put_contents ( 'PATH_TO_RESULT_FILE/result.php' , $result);