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What is the format of connection string that should be used while using ERWin tool for generating ERD for an Oracle database?

I have been trying to generate an ERD for some oracle database. While I am doing this via 'Actions'->'Reverse Engineering' option, I get a section that asks me for a connection string. But I am unsure of the format about how we can specify the database and its details. Could someone please help me with this?

Thanks Pradeep


  • I am using Erwin 7.3.8 to connect on a Oracle 11g schema. The connection works from me when I use the oracle tnsnames string format:

    For example:

    (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = **database-server**)(PORT = **database-server-port**))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVER = DEDICATED)(SERVICE_NAME = **service-name-if-exists**)))

    Copy as a one line command and paste in the Connection String field.
