When interacting with a C api (the SQLite 3 C api) from Swift, I need to pass a pointer to a pointer to const char as an out-parameter:
// snip other parameters
const char **pzTail // OUT parameter
Which is translated into Swift as:
// snip other parameters
This out parameter wants to end up usable as a string.
You can pass a Swift String
to a const char *
easily, but I don't understand how to get something usable from the double-indirection.
Can anyone shed some light here?
I had a bit of fun playing around with this. I haven't touched any of the C-Swift stuff before
Here is what I have achieved in a playground. Hope it helps you :)
Edit: I made a better pure swift version
// Function to convert your type - UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>
func stringFromYourType(cStringPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<UnsafePointer<Int8>>) -> String? {
guard let string = String.fromCString(cStringPointer.memory) else { return nil }
return string
// Create your type
let swiftString = "I'm a swift string"
var pointer = swiftString.nulTerminatedUTF8.withUnsafeBufferPointer { UnsafePointer<Int8>($0.baseAddress) }
// Convert it back
var newSwiftString = stringFromYourType(&pointer) // &pointer is equivalent to (char **)