I have an Int I'm trying to subtract from, but I am confused as to why the code gets ran, but the Int doesnt do the subtraction, is there something I'm missing?
func calculateTime(theEmployee : Employee, thePunch : TimeClockPunchObj) {
if thePunch.valueForKey("punchOutIn") as! String == "out" {
let theLastPunchDate = self.lastPunch?.valueForKey("timePunched") as! NSDate
var theMinutes = NSDate().minutesFrom(theLastPunchDate)
if (lunchResult!) {
theMinutes - 20
let hours = String(format: "%.2f", (Double(theMinutes) / 60.00))
let timeCalc = TimePunchCalcObject()
timeCalc.employee = theEmployee
timeCalc.timePunchedIn = self.lastPunch?.valueForKey("timePunched") as! NSDate
timeCalc.timePunchedOut = thePunch.valueForKey("timePunched") as! NSDate
timeCalc.totalTime = Double(hours)!
if Double(hours)! != 0.00 {
Do this:
theMinutes = theMinutes - 20
Or (like @vadian reminded):
theMinutes -= 20