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Parse issues when trying to use "Examples" section in Cucumber feature

No luck in googling on this error message

features/manage_hand_evaluator.feature: Parse error at features/manage_hand_evaluator.feature:21. Found examples when expecting one of: comment, py_string, row, scenario, scenario_outline, step, tag. (Current state: step). (Gherkin::Parser::ParseError)

Here's the setup I have for Examples section (there are no other Scenarios at this time, just this one after the "Feature:" section)


Scenario: Evaluating for current straights
  Given I am a player with <hand>
  When the board is <board>
  Then the current possible straights should be <possibles>

    | board | hand |    possibles                  | 
    | A23   | 45   | A2345                         | 
    | 3456  | 23   | A2345,23456,34567,45678       | 
    | 789T  | A2   | 56789,6789T,789TJ,89TJQ       | 
    | 45678 | 23   | 23456,34567,45678,56789,6789T | 

I also have step definitions set up already for those "Given, When, Then" lines (and tests passes fine when I replace , , with some text and comment out the "Examples" section). So it seems step definitions are set up properly, just that there is some kind of parsing issue with the contents I have in .feature file and I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong.

Relevant gems installed: Gherkin (2.1.5) (tried 2.2.0 but it breaks with my version of Cucumber) Cucumber (0.8.5) Cucumber-Rails (0.3.2) Rails (2.3.8)


  • Replace



    Scenario Outline: