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Vertical ViewPager or Parallax scrolling - android

I am trying to implement similar home Activity like AliExpress android app. I am confused if it was implemented using a vertical ViewPager or Parallax scrolling.

To the best of my knowledge, android only support Horizontal ViewPager swiping left to right. But AliExpress layout looks like a smooth Vertical ViewPager scrolling, with TAB and a horizontal ViewPager at the bottom showing different product categories.

I have tried using the CollapsingToolbarLayout but it was not possible. How can I achieve similar Vertical ViewPager?

I am still a beginner android developer. I appreciate any help that points me in the right direction.



  • I think I have found a walk around this by using 'com.github.castorflex.verticalviewpager:library:19.0.1' to create a vertical ViewPager with two pages and then use recycler view on both pages to display content.

    Credit to for the vertical ViewPager library.