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Passing the results of `std::string::c_str()` to `mkdtemp()` using `const_cast<char*>()`

OK, so: we all know that generally the use of const_cast<>() anywhere is so bad it’s practically a programming war crime. So this is a hypothetical question about how bad it might be, exactly, in a specific case.

To wit: I ran across some code that did something like this:

std::string temporary = "/tmp/directory-XXXXX";
const char* dtemp = ::mkdtemp(const_cast<char*>(temporary.c_str()));
/// `temporary` is unused hereafter

… now, I have run across numerous descriptions about how to get writeable access to the underlying buffer of a std::string instance (q.v. for example) – all of them have the caveat that yes, these methods aren’t guaranteed to work by any C++ standard, but in practice they all do.

With this in mind, I am just curious on how using const_cast<char*>(string.c_str()) compares to other known methods (e.g. the aforementioned &string[0], &c)… I ask because the code in which I found this method in use seems to work fine in practice, and I thought I’d see what the experts thought before I attempt the inevitable const_cast<>()-free rewrite.


    • const cannot be enforced at hardware level because in practice, in non-hypothetical environment, you can set read-only attribute only to a full 4K memory page and there are huge pages on the way, which drastically reduce CPU's lookup misses in the TLB.

    • const doesn't affect code generation like __restrict from C99 does. In fact, const, roughly speaking, means "poison all write attempts to this data, I'd like to protect my invariants here"

    Since std::string is a mutable string, its underlying buffer cannot be allocated in read-only memory. So const_cast<> shouldn't cause program crash here unless you're going to change some bytes outside of underlying buffer's bounds or trying to delete, free() or realloc() something. However, altering of chars in the buffer may be classified as invariant violation. Because you don't use std::string instance after that and simply throw it away this shouldn't provoke program crash unless some particular std::string implementation decide to check its invariants' integrity before destruction and force a crash if some of these are broken. Because such check couldn't be done in less than O(N) time and std::string is a performance critical class, it is unlikely to be done by anyone.

    Another issue may come from Copy-on-Write strategy. So, by modifying the buffer directly you may break some other std::string's instance which shares the buffer with your string. But few years ago majority of C++ experts came to conclusion that COW is too fragile and too slow especially in multi-threaded environments, so modern C++ libraries shouldn't use it and instead adhere to using move construction where possible and avoiding heap traffic for small length strings where applicable.