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Plotting a smoothed area on a map from a set of points in R

how do I plot an area around a set of points on a map in R? e.g.

p <- matrix(c(50, 50, 80, 100, 70, 40, 25, 60), ncol=2) # make some points
points(p, pch=19, col="red")

polygon(p, col="blue")

... which gives me a polygon with a vertex at each of the points, but it looks rather crappy. Is there any way to "smooth" the polygon into some sort of curve?


  • One option is to make a polygon bounded by a Bézier curve, using the bezier function in the Hmisc package. However I cannot get the start/end point to join up neatly. For example:

    ## make some points
    p <- matrix(c(50, 50, 80, 100, 70, 40, 25, 60), ncol=2)
    ## add the starting point to the end
    p2 <- cbind(1:5,p[c(1:4,1),])
    ## linear interpolation between these points                            
    t.coarse <- seq(1,5,0.05)
    x.coarse <- approx(p2[,1],p2[,2],xout=t.coarse)$y
    y.coarse <- approx(p2[,1],p2[,3],xout=t.coarse)$y
    ## create a Bezier curve                                           
    bz <- bezier(x.coarse,y.coarse)
    polygon(bz$x,bz$y, col=rgb(0,0,1,0.5),border=NA)