I'm writing a framework for RESTful API test automation, I already decided to go with REST Assured, I'm not 100% sure about add a layer to allow define tests using a domain specific language like Gherkin, therefore adding a BDD framework like Cucumber.
What is your opinion?
Is a good approach to use BDD in API automation testing?
I am currently using BDD for RestAPI Testing. Here is pros and cons for BDD RestAPI Automation framework.
Technology We used: Cucumber,Java,Rest-Assured and junit
Following pros and cons are my own comment or personal view. It is based on my experience.
When other team member in company need test case or any documentation than your answer will be "We have scenario in Gherkin Language" and it is sometime hard to understand/explain scenario as there is no clear step like traditional step definition or big documentation
Higher management have high time to understand converge of testing product like HP ALM Coverage report.
It is little hard to write for few sprint specially for those who write test case for years.
Please free to edit or suggest anything need to add or remove. I hope it will help you.