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Mojo::DOM - How to return more than one attribute

I'm new to Mojolicious, to find the title for a link within a p tag with class Module e.g.

<p class="Module"><a class="story" href="http://intranet/blah" >Link Text is here</a></p>

I use the following code:

my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $page );

for my $elm ( $dom->find('p.Module > a.story')->each ){
    print $elm->text ."\n";

Pretty crude but it's functional. What I can't figure out as yet (it could be too late at night for me) is how to return the href and the link text. Please put me out of my misery.


  • You just need the attr method:

    my $dom = Mojo::DOM->new( $page );
    for my $elm ( $dom->find('p.Module > a.story')->each ){
        print $elm->text, ' ', $elm->attr('href'), "\n";

    For a quick tutorial on Mojo::UserAgent and Mojo::DOM, check out Mojocast episode 5