Pure tones in Psychopy are ending with clicks. How can I remove these clicks? Tones generated within psychopy and tones imported as .wav both have the same problem. I tried adding 0.025ms of fade out in the .wav tones that I generated using Audacity. But still while playing them in psychopy, they end with a click sound.
Now I am not sure how to go ahead with this. I need to perform a psychoacoustic experiment and it can not proceed with tone presentation like that.
Clicks in the beginning and end of sounds often occur because the sound is stopped mid-way so that the wave abruptly goes from some value to zero. This waveform can only be made using high-amplitude high-frequency waves superimposed on the signal, i.e. a click. So the solution is to make the wave stop while on zero.
Are you using an old version of psychopy? If yes, then upgrade. Newer versions add a Hamming window (fade in/out) to self-generated tones which should avoid the click.
For the .wav files, try adding (extra) silence in the end, e.g. 50 ms. It might be that psychopy stops the sound prematurely.