I am really sorry for my Poor English. I have created simple websocket game with voryx/ThruwayBundle for Symfony. Game uses RPCS registered on Server. Everything works fine but when I leave for about 20 mins RPCS are no longer available. And I have to restart websocket server to make them avaiable again.
I tried to register my rpcs as workers and I can see them running but they are still unavailable websocket server process status
The annotation I use to register RPC is
* @Register("games.snake.newplayer",serializerEnableMaxDepthChecks=true, worker="add-snake")
I run server with command
nohup php app/console thruway:process start &
You can see it on http://amusement.cloudapp.net/
I am using Ubuntu 15.10 server created in Microsoft azure if it's any help
I don't know what I can do to make those RPC available anytime without restarting websocket server. Should I make some cron action to reset websocket server if they're stopped responding and how can I do it.
RPCS work great on my local machine Ubuntu 14.04
To prevent disapeearing of rpcs I created symfony console command to ping them with some test data. Next I registered this command as cron job to be executed every minute.
I could't find the source of problem however it's easy way to avoid it.