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Console Background Music

I have a C# Console game I'm working on and I'd really like to incorporate some background music into it.

I have a function that calls the SoundPlayer and I have it playing music as anticipated. My function will be called upon certain circumstances of my game, but when it is called I would like for the game to continue. Currently, my game loops through as expected, but once it hits the playMusic() function the game comes to a standstill until the music stops playing.

How do I make the music play in the background without interrupting my main game loop? Any thoughts on the matter will be greatly appreciated.

The music function:

public void playMusic()
        SoundPlayer sndPlayer = new SoundPlayer();
        sndPlayer.SoundLocation = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Music.Wav";           


My Game Loop:

        int gameoverCount =0;
        //Main game loop
        while (gameoverCount != 1000)
            //Select a random NPC to move
            int randomNPC = StaticRandom.Instance.Next(0, npcs.characters.Count);

            //Checks if the NPC has reached it's destination, if not move. 
            if (npcs.characters[randomNPC].destination)
                Movement.npcMove(board, npcs.characters[randomNPC]);
                //Gives NPC new location
                npcs.characters[randomNPC].destinationX = StaticRandom.Instance.Next(3, 14);
                npcs.characters[randomNPC].destinationY = StaticRandom.Instance.Next(3, 14);
                npcs.characters[randomNPC].destination = true;
            Movement.playerMove(p1.coordX, p1.coordY, board, p1, p1.bac, p1.stepsTaken, npcs.characters[randomNPC]);

            //If player is on a certain space, play music
            if (board.board[p1.coordX, p1.coordY].playMusic)


  • What you're looking for is the Play or the PlayLooping method. As you can see in the remarks section, both these methods will play the music using a new thread. PlaySync, on the other hand, uses the current thread, which is the reason why you get the behavior you're getting.