I am developing using Visual Studio 2013 with Visual Studio Online for source control. I want to prevent check-in if the build that is triggered is returned false. Using the steps below, don't see how the builds are happening and not sure how to enforce good check-ins?
I completed the following steps: https://www.visualstudio.com/en-us/get-started/build/build-your-app-vs
Since you are using TFVC the. You would need to use Gated Build as the trigger. Unfortunately Gated Build has not yet been implemented on the new Build system and is only available on the legacy Xaml builds.
If you were using Git you could take advantage of the Branch Policies to require that a build succeed before a checkin was allowed through Pull Requests.
You can either change your source control to Git and use Pull Requests, or you could change your build system to the Xaml builds and use Gated Build.