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meteoric autoform select-radio does not work

The field does not exists in the Schema of form, i am using ionic template in form, this code does not work to me:

    cardOptions: [
		{ value: 0, label:'Visa' },
		{ value: 1, label:'MasterCard' },
		{ value: 2, label:'Elo' },
		{ value: 3, label:'Hipercard' },
		{ value: 4, label:'Hiper' }
<template name="example">
  {{> afQuickField name="payment.card" type="select-radio" options=cardOptions }}


  • You need to use the autoForm component if you want to define fields individually.

    For example:

    <template name="example">
      {{#autoForm collection="Payments" id="insertPaymentForm" type="insert"}}
          <legend>Add a Payment Method</legend>
          {{> afQuickField name='title'}}
          {{> afQuickField name="card" type="select-radio" options=cardOptions }}
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Insert</button>

    Here is a MeteorPad.