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Webstorm Meteor CSS Background Image Locations

I'm getting familiar with Meteor and loving it so far. My IDE of choice is Webstorm (PHPStorm) and I've run into an annoyance I wonder if someone has a solution for.

Basically Meteor implements magic when it comes to serving files from the /public directory in that you can leave it off when serving, say in this case, an image. So let's imagine I have this structure:

- public
  - images
    - test.png

And I have this rule in my CSS file:

  background: url('/images/test.png') no-repeat center center;

Of course Meteor displays the image fine but Webstorm treats it as a missing file which throws an error in the CSS file. (Webstorm would expect /public/images/test.png).

Is there some way to workaround this so I can avoid the squigglies every time I am entering images? It's a useful feature when it works to let me know I muffed an image path but it appears in this configuration I'm doomed to always have the paths appear broken in my CSS files.

Just curious if anyone had found a way to workaround this without having to go the heavy handed route of turning off the checks.

Thanks all!


  • This is software question but your solution is:

    Settings -> editor -> inspections then on right panel select css -> invalid element -> uncheck unknown file or directory 

    Edited after comment:

    Webstorm: “Cannot Resolve Directory”