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Maya python invalid syntax on import

I'm doing an autorig for Maya, and I have this file which return me a invalid syntax :

import maya.cmds as cmds
from SupeRigTools import *

def startButtonFunc():

    buttons = ["left_leg_button", "right_leg_button"]

    for but in buttons:
        cmds.button(but, edit = True, enable = True)

def leftLegButtonFunc():

    cmds.button("left_leg_button", edit = True, enable = False)

def rightLegButtonFunc():

    cmds.button("right_leg_button", edit = True, enable = False)

And the error is :

# Error: line 1: SyntaxError: file <maya console> line 2: invalid syntax #

It used to work but it won't compile now


  • I just had a syntax error in the middle of my SupeRigTools file with a semicolon, but Maya didn't tell me, thank you for your answer