I want to register my app for push notification when my application terminates so i think if i delay my app quitting time it could be possible.Does someone knows how to delay application quitting time? I think this method
[self performSelector:(SEL)aSelector onThread:(NSThread *)thr withObject:(id)arg waitUntilDone:(BOOL)wait];
will do my job but i don't know how to use this method if someone knows please tell.I need to send some data to a server along with registering for Push Notification when my app quits.
For push notification it is better to register when the app first starts and then send the push token to your server in the background. However, if you have a good reason why you need to do the registration just as the app terminates, I believe you can do this if you are using iOS 4. iOS 4 has a new feature called "task finishing" that allows an app to stay running for a few minutes after the user closes it so that it may finish up any tasks it was in the middle of (such as saving data).