Search code examples

layout.getchildat() function does not work after update layout

I have a code like this:

protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent returnIntent) 
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode,resultCode, returnIntent);

        RelativeLayout layout2=(RelativeLayout)findViewById(;
        Bundle extrasBundle = returnIntent.getExtras();

            String temp = extrasBundle.getString("FollowList");
            final int restSize;
            if(temp != null) {

                for(int i=0;i<count;i++)
                    Button Bt=(Button) layout2.getChildAt(i) ;
                    CharSequence St= Bt.getText();
                    orders[i]=IndexOfLabel((String) St);
                List<String> restList = Arrays.asList(temp.split(","));


for the firs time, layout.getchildat() works perfect. when I change the layout and views, I get the previous results and the function does not work. what is the problem and how I can solve it.


  • I solved the problem. actually it was my fault because before rearange the views I did not remove the old views. by adding the following code and remove all views and reconstruction the layout, I solved my problem.

    if(layout2.getChildCount() > 0) 