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How to submit and save value from bootstrap-datepicker in Meteor?

I am prototyping an app in Meteor and am having trouble using the datepicker. I created a minimal example in Meteorpad.

How can I get the selected value from the datepicker when clicked and save to the db? My code for the event is in line 8 of client/app/js. I'm using an input tag as part of the datepicker but since there is no submit button, I'm not sure if I am actually changing the date. Does onchange work here?{
  'onchange #selectedDate': function(e) {
    var valuationId = this._id;
    var selectedDate = $('[name=selectedDate]').val();
    Valuations.update(valuationId, {$set: {valuationDate: selectedDate}}, function () {


  • Does onchange work here?

    No, it does not. You will need to listen for changeDate events in your Template.Valuation.onRendered function:

    Template.Valuation.onRendered(function() {
        todayBtn: "linked",
        orientation: "top auto",
        daysOfWeekDisabled: "0,6",
        todayHighlight: true,
        autoclose: true,
        format: 'yyyy-mm-dd'
      var self = this;
      $('#valuation').datepicker().on('changeDate', function(ev) {
        var valuationId =;
        var selectedDate = $('#selectedDate').val();
        Valuations.update(valuationId, {
          $set: {
            valuationDate: selectedDate
        }, function() {});

    I found also a bug in your valuationPrice template helper. This may fix it:

    valuationPrice: function() {
      var valuation = Valuations.findOne({
        _id: this._id
      var valuationDate = valuation.valuationDate;
      var valuationPrice = 0;
      _.each(valuation.closingPrices, function(closingPrice) {
        if ( == valuationDate) valuationPrice = closingPrice.close;
      return valuationPrice;

    Here is the updated MeteorPad.