I am using Opencart I am able to set Permissions to All other pages but I am not getting option to set permission to set permission for dashborad or common/home.
I am trying follow link http://forum.opencart.com/viewtopic.php?t=32561
But I am not able to get options to set permission.
I found the answer. To HIDE Dashboard from certain users following are the steps we need to take.
Open admin\controller\user\user_permission.php
$ignore = array('common/home',
REMOVE 'common/home',
Create XML file and add under vqmod xml folder.
<id>Add a permission check to the admin dashboard, and provide with an alternate forwarding target</id>
<file name="admin/controller/user/user_permission.php">
<search position="replace">
<file name="admin/view/template/common/home.tpl">
<search position="after">
<![CDATA[<?php echo $header; ?>]]>
NEXT SET Permission