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Javascript flood-fill function working only partially [Minesweeper]

I've been trying to create my own minesweeper-game (for fun) for a couple months now. Only thing that I have really been stopped by is how to make recursive function (flood-fill) to fill the blank areas in the game.

The flood-fill works only partially. It does not extend to right or the bottom node from any clicked node.

Current full code

FloodFill -part:

function floodFill(node) {

    if (node < 0) {return};

    if (document.getElementById("cell" + node).style.backgroundColor == "white") {return};

    if (document.getElementById("cell" + node).classList.contains("nearby")) {return};

    document.getElementById("cell" + node).style.backgroundColor = "white";

    floodFill(node -= 1);                           
    floodFill(node += 1);
    floodFill(node -= 16);
    floodFill(node += 16);




The "here" means the clicked node. The size of the grid is 16, so the bottom node is current node + 16.

This small game -project means a lot for me, so any help is greatly appreciated.


  • The operators -= and += mean subtract/add a certain value to the variable.

    a += 10;

    is equivalent to

    a = a + 10;

    Therefore, in your code

    floodFill(node -= 1);                           
    floodFill(node += 1);
    floodFill(node -= 16);
    floodFill(node += 16);

    node is being changed on each function call.

    If node was, for example, 10, the following would happen:

    • node would be decremented by 1 (node -= 1) and is now 9
    • floodFill would be called, with node == 9
    • node would be incremented by 1 (node += 1) and is now 10
    • etc.

    Instead of assignment operators (-=/+=), use the normal operators (-/+) instead.

    Solution: change

    floodFill(node -= 1);                           
    floodFill(node += 1);
    floodFill(node -= 16);
    floodFill(node += 16);


    floodFill(node - 1);                           
    floodFill(node + 1);
    floodFill(node - 16);
    floodFill(node + 16);

    Hope this helps!