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parallel check md5 file

I have a md5sum file containing lots of lines. I want to use GNU parallel to accelerate the md5sum checking process. In the md5sum, when no file input, it will take the md5 string from stdin. I tried this:

cat checksums.md5 | parallel md5sum -c {}

But getting this error:

md5sum 445350b414a8031d9dd6b1e68a6f2367 testing.gz: No such file or directory

How can I parallel the md5sum checking?


  • Assuming checksums.md5 has the format:

    d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e  My file name


    cat checksums.md5 | parallel --pipe -N1 md5sum -c

    If your files are small: -N100

    If that does not speed up your processing make sure your disks are fast enough: md5sum can process 500 MB/s. iostat -dkx 1 can tell you if your disks are a bottleneck.