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Can I build Spinnaker services from github zip download?

For the Spinnaker echo service, I selected the Download ZIP option from the GitHub project page.

When trying to build with gradle, the build failed with the error log:

* Where:

Build file 'E:\code\echo-master\build.gradle' line: 32

* What went wrong:

A problem occurred evaluating root project 'echo'.

Failed to apply plugin [class 'nebula.plugin.release.ReleasePlugin']

repository not found: E:\code\echo-master

The code of build.gradle on line 32:

apply plugin: "spinnaker.project"


  • The spinnaker.project plugin uses nebula.nebula-release which expects an initialized git repository with at least one commit. Having a fallback when no git repository is on our list of things to improve but is not there today.

    gradlew -Prelease.version=0.1.0 <task> 

    might be a workaround today, easiest might just be

    git init
    git commit -am "initial commit"