I was typing some Swift code, because I was bored and haven't programmed Swift in a while.
Why does this code work when I include UIKit
import UIKit
public class foo {
private var boolTest : Bool?
init() {
boolTest = true
public func call() -> AnyObject? {
if let bool = boolTest {
return bool
else {
return nil
And when I import Darwin instead of UIKit it doesn't work.
import Darwin
public class foo {
private var boolTest : Bool?
init() {
boolTest = true
public func call() -> AnyObject? {
if let bool = boolTest {
return bool
else {
return nil
Its the exact same code except I changed UIKit to Darwin. The error says can't return type bool to AnyObject?
It doesn't give the error message when I include UIKit.
So does anyone know what causes this?
adds automatic bridging from Bool
to NSNumber
(which is an AnyObject
extension Bool : _ObjectiveCBridgeable {
public init(_ number: NSNumber)