I have a problem that I can't solve for some time.
I have a GMSMapView with imageView in front of it in the center. In result - I can drag map and always have centered pin. But problems come when I zoom the map. On zooming - position of map target changes and my imageView points to another location.
I can detect if zoom changed, but I cant actually force GMSMapView to do ONLY zoom without any location changing.
-(void) mapView:(GMSMapView *)mapView didChangeCameraPosition:(GMSCameraPosition *)position
if (mZoomLevel != mapView.camera.zoom)
mZoomLevel = mapView.camera.zoom;
So basically, I want to have always centered pin, even if I perform zoom. I tried GMSMarker - but it has problems with performance when following map center. It doesn't do it instantly, so I decided to use imageView.
Main question: how to lock current location of the map while performing zoom?
Google fixed this issue with google maps sdk 1.10.0.
The solution is to simply add this line when configuring GMSMapview:
_mapView.settings.allowScrollGesturesDuringRotateOrZoom = NO;