I am using Sinch framework for Mobile verification. For some numbers Sinch returns me an error that says "Operator not supported".
I am unable to understand why this error is returned. Could some one point me to the documentation where this is explained.
If of any help I'm number concerned is an Indian number.
Thank in advance.
Updated - December 04, 2015
Heres the code that returns me the error
#import <SinchVerification/SinchVerification.h>
@interface EnterPhoneNumberViewController () {
id<SINVerification> _verification;
@implementation EnterPhoneNumberViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
_verification = [SINVerification SMSVerificationWithApplicationKey:@"blah-blah-blah-blah" phoneNumber:phoneNumberTextField.text];
//set up a initiate the process
[_verification initiateWithCompletionHandler:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if(!success) {
//code returned with failure
NSLog(@"Error while verification : %ld %@",(long)[error code],[error localizedDescription]);
[errorLabel setText:[error localizedDescription]];
else {
//code returned with Success
NSLog(@"SMS With Code Successfully Sent");
today we released a new sdk to help you neter number, check out downloads sinch.com/download this shoule help you getting correct numbers sent for verification. The error means that that number/carrier is not supported. This can be for a number of reasons, google voice number, blocked because of fraud an unsupported carrier.
If you think that that is an error on that particular number please contact [email protected] with that number and we can look in to it.