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capture image from IP camera through ffmpeg in command line or opencv getting a gray image

Now I have a IP camera. I tried to get a image through ffmpeg (like this : ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "my rtsp stream address" -y -f image2 test.jpg ).That's OK! Or I tried to do this through opencv,no problem too.But when I open the stream in vlc,At the same time,I tried to capture the image ,oh,I just got a gray image. why? if I open the stream in vlc two times,that's also OK! If capturing the image and view the rtsp stream together,just got a gray image.Is the reason of IP camera?normal imagegray image


  • Try this

    g++ -s -o ffmpeg_rtsp rtsp.cpp -lavcodec -lavutil -lswscale -lavformat

    Run: ./ffmpeg_rtsp "your rtsp stream address"