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How does containTheSameElementsAs work in specs2

This code does not match. Is this correct?

List(1, List(2, 3, List(4)), 5) must containTheSameElementsAs(List(5, List(List(4), 2, 3), 1))

Error message is following:

[error]   x be available for elements in a sequence
[error]    List(1, List(2, 3, List(4)), 5)
[error]      is missing: List(List(4), 2, 3)
[error]      must not contain: List(2, 3, List(4)) (specs2test.scala:98)


  • The containsTheSameElementsAs matcher only goes one level deep, so the match fails on your nested list as List(2, 3, List(4)) != List(List(4), 2, 3). It might be better to simply flatten your nested object before using this matcher.