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ARJUNA012210: Unable to use InetAddress.getLocalHost() to resolve address

While starting my JBoss in domain mode (first instance), I am getting following WARN as part of server.log in the console....

I am curious to know what caused the issue...... does it needs to be rectified..... what are the implication if didn't go for any fix for this warning......

[Server:server-two] 13:55:55,198 WARN [com.arjuna.ats.arjuna] (Transaction Expired Entry Monitor) ARJUNA012210: Unable to use InetAddress.getLocalHost() to resolve address.


  • Host entry is missing. Make entry in hosts file...

    If your system is windows, Start->Run->Drivers ->and make the host entry in etc/hosts (need admin rights to edit hosts file)

    If your system is UNIX based, ->open the file $sudo vim /etc/hosts and make the host entry.

    In the present scenario host entry is for local system, to get the local system ip in UNIX run $ifconfig and in Windows run >ipconfig in command prompt.