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ASP.NET Session State Server: Stored Object is NULL

I have set up an ASP.NET Session State Server on a SQL Database:

<sessionState timeout="60" allowCustomSqlDatabase="true" mode="SQLServer" sqlConnectionString="..." />

I have a default redirect on errors:

<customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error.aspx" />


private void Application_Error( object sender, EventArgs e )
    SomeSessionObj sessionObj = new SomeSessionObj();
    sessionObj.SomeProperty1 = true;
    sessionObj.SomeProperty2 = new Blabla();
    HttpContext.Current.Session["FooBar"] = sessionObj;


protected void Page_Load( object sender, EventArgs e )
    SomeSessionObj sessionObj = HttpContext.Current.Session["FooBar"] as SomeSessionObj;
    // sessionObj is NOT NULL
    // sessionObj.SomeProperty1 is false
    // sessionObj.SomeProperty2 is NULL

Both SomeSessionObj and SomeProperty classes are marked as Serializable.

Without State Server (inProc) it works as expected.

Thanks in advance.


  • Ok, got it working.

    When using Session State Server you have to call Server.ClearError() within Application_Error, otherwise the Request will be terminated and Session state will not be written.

    void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();
        HttpContext.Current.Session["Error"] = ex.Message;