Our project consists of making an app that handles group payments. You can join a group by scanning a QRCode containing the id of the group you want to join. We have made an activity "AddOrJoinActivity" in which you can either Create or Join a group (By scanning the QR-Code). I have made a new Activity containing my CustomScanner which works. The problem however is the following. I call the Customscanner from within the "AddOrJoinActivity" but once the code is scanned I want the program to open the activity "Groupdetails" containing all the details of the group he/she just joined.
I tried the following: In "AddOrJoinActivity"
IntentIntegrator ii = new IntentIntegrator(this)
In "CustomScanner"
barcodeView =(CompoundBarcodeView)findViewById(R.id.customViewBarcode);
capture = new CaptureManager(this,barcodeView);
I tried making a new intent in Customscanner containing the GroupsDetailActivity and using that in the capture.initializeFromIntent() but that didn't work.
How can i start the groupdetailsactivity from the CustomScanner ?
Thanks in advance
Have you seen this tutorial? http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/android-sdk-create-a-barcode-reader--mobile-17162
In your case, after scanning, in your code of AddOrJoin
, the method onActivityResult
will automatically execute. In that method, you'll retrieve your scanning results and can you do you magic in the database.
Start after the magic a new Activity:
Intent intent = new Intent(this, NextActivity.class);
That's my opinion.