I have a number of fields in a database that i need to pull information from. For the name column the data is in the following format:
Jim John - 1234567
I only want the name section, therefore trim everything from the "-" onwards. I've tried the following
"SELECT REPLACE(LEFT(name, CHARINDEX('-',name)-1),'_',' '), othername, streetname, postal,
nameID, helper, helperID
FROM [DATABASE].[dbo].[nameDB] with (nolock)
(othername like '" & txtSearch.Text & "'
or postal like '" & txtSearch.Text & "')
and (postal not like '%Error%'
and postal not like '%nas_admin%'
and postal not like '%NASAdmin%'
and postal like '[A-z][A-z][A-z]%')"
This doesn't work, is it possible that i can trim the data and also search for other data in other fields?
Thanks for any help
try this using Substring
SUBSTRING(name, 0, CHARINDEX('-', name)) AS [name] , othername, streetname, postal,
nameID, helper, helperID
FROM [ARDVARC].[dbo].[nameDB] with (nolock)
(othername like '" & txtSearch.Text & "'
or postal like '" & txtSearch.Text & "')
and (postal not like '%Error%'
and postal not like '%nas_admin%'
and postal not like '%NASAdmin%'
and postal like '[A-z][A-z][A-z]%')"
hope this helps.