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Laravel 5.1 use limit in with() method of eloquent


$staffGroup = StaffGroup::where('id', $id)

In StaffGroup Model:

public function staffGroupRight() {
    return $this->hasMany('Modules\Staff\Http\Models\StaffGroupRight');

what i have does is,

public function staffGroupRight() {
    return $this->hasMany('Modules\Staff\Http\Models\StaffGroupRight')->take(5);

but it gives total 5 rows for all staff_group but i want it to limit for one staff_group

For example

There are 10 staff_group then it gives 5 records of staffgrouprights for that 10 staff_group but i want it 5 for single staff_group

here with staffGroupRight return data appropriate to id of staff group.

but i want to set limit in that with() method data.

is it possible to set limit in with() method or not...??


  • $staffGroup = StaffGroup::where('id', $id)
            ->with(['staffGroupRight' => function($query){
                return $query->take(10);

    I assume you want to take 10 record of staffGroupRight.