I have an url: http://limg.imgsmail.ru/splash/v/i/icons.v16.14afed9dda24aad97c9dc5bf24396fbd6ede4e22.png and if I try to get this png file with 'net/http'
Net::HTTP.start('www.limg.imgsmail.ru') {|http|
rest = http.get('/splash/v/i/icons.v16.14afed9dda24aad97c9dc5bf24396fbd6ede4e22.png')
open('1.png', 'wb') {|file| file.write(rest.body)}
I have an error: SocketError: getaddrinfo: Name or service not known. Why is this happening? The full link is correct! How can I download such files?
Try this:
require "open-uri"
File.open('1.png', 'wb') do |fo|
fo.write open("http://limg.imgsmail.ru/splash/v/i/icons.v16.14afed9dda24aad97c9dc5bf24396fbd6ede4e22.png").read
Note: I have removed www
from your url as with that url is not working. this url works fine.