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DataTables from Ajax source order-by data-order and display formatted date

Basically I want to pull data from ajax into my columns, but I want the cells in the columns to have the data-order attribute on them with the value from the ajax call and use moment.js to format the data in the cell.

I'm assuming this is the best way to make it pretty AND orderable. I found the plugin for datetime-momentJS, but it will only order the date, not format it as well.

var dataTable = $('#products').DataTable( {
  'processing': true,
  'ajax': '/products',
  'columns': [
      'data': 'updated_at',

right now I have this as the final result:

<td class="date">2015-11-08T11:00:00.000Z</td>

but the result I want is:

<td class="date" data-order="2015-11-08T11:00:00.000Z">11/08/2015</td>

Can I use the render option to do this somehow?

The moment code to format it like I want would be moment('2015-11-08T11:00:00.000Z').format('DD/MM/YY').


  • You can use createdRow callback in order to apply any custom logics after row creation:

      /* */
      'createdRow': function(row, data, dataIndex) {
          var $dateCell = $(row).find('td:eq(0)'); // get first column
          var dateOrder = $dateCell.text(); // get the ISO date
              .data('order', dateOrder) // set it to data-order
              .text(moment(dateOrder).format('DD/MM/YY')); // and set the formatted text

    Note that td:eq(0) selector assumes that the column with date is the first column. You need to change 0 to another value, if it's not.