I have a table containing in each row the a, b and c parameters to an exponential curve in the following formula:
All columns are of type double precision. I wish to sample each curve at a specific value of x and record its value in a new column. However, doing so causes an underflow error.
>update curve_by_wkt set samplepoint05 = a*exp(-b*0.05)+c;
ERROR: value out of range: underflow
There is no way I can manually check which values of a, b, c are causing the calculation to fail. What I do know is that extreme precision is not needed, and that values outside a certain range are likely irrelevant.
I would like to know if there is any way I could get the calculation to complete, given my disregard for precision.
Create a function and catch an exception. You can raise your own error message:
create or replace function calculate_with_error
(a double precision, b double precision, c double precision, x double precision)
returns double precision language plpgsql as $$
return a * exp(-b * x) + c;
exception when numeric_value_out_of_range then
raise exception 'Value out of range for a = % b= % c= % x= %', a, b, c, x;
end $$;
select calculate_with_error(1, 1, 0, 10000);
ERROR: Value out of range for a = 1 b= 1 c= 0 x= 10000
or set some default value:
create or replace function calculate_with_default
(a double precision, b double precision, c double precision, x double precision)
returns double precision language plpgsql as $$
return a * exp(-b * x) + c;
exception when numeric_value_out_of_range then
return 0;
end $$;
select calculate_with_default(1, 1, 0, 10000);
(1 row)
update curve_by_wkt
set samplepoint05 = calculate_with_error(a, b, c, 0.05);