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When to use phrase in Prolog?

I'm trying to learn more about DCGs in Prolog and while reading through different sources, I noticed that in some cases phrase wasn't being used ?

From the Learn Prolog Now website, it presents this example:

s   -->  np,vp. 
np  -->  det,n. 
vp  -->  v,np. 
vp  -->  v. 
det -->  [the]. 
det -->  [a]. 
n   -->  [woman]. 
n   -->  [man]. 
v   -->  [shoots].

They then use the query s(X,[]) to generate all the sentences in the grammar. I tried phrase(s,L) and it also generates all the sentences described by the grammar.

What's the difference in using s(X,[]) and phrase(s,L)? When should phrase be used?


  • Grammar rules should always be accessed using the phrase/2-3 predicates. When the first argument is instantiated, the Prolog compiler should be expected to convert the phrase/2-3 call to a call to the predicate generated by the compilation of called grammar rule. Thus, there should be no overhead by using the phrase/2-3 predicates.