I have an akka.net cluster and I want to send a message to actors that are both local and remote, and that all have the path "/user/foobar" (at least locally). Should I use ActorSelection, and what should the path look like in order to target both matching local and remote actors?
It's unclear from the question whether you mean you want to send a message locally within one node in your cluster, or across multiple nodes.
If you just want to send it in one node, you can use an ActorSelection
and just send it to whatever the desired actor path is (e.g. /user/*/processingActor
). If you want to message across the cluster itself, you'll need to set up a cluster-aware Group router.
See the docs here for router configuration, which is where you'll define the routees.
In a nutshell, you'll be doing something like this:
# inside akka.actor.deployment HOCON
/some-group-router {
router = round-robin-group
routees.paths = ["/user/*/processingActor",]
cluster {