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different Database library with same methods in different flavours Best Practice?

I have two different falvours in my Androdi app that should use different SQL implementations. One use:


and second:


I have methods like that:

getAll(SQLiteDatabase conn)

How should I solve this situation to avoid copy&paste? What is the best pratcice? I have few ideas: first one (the worst with a lot of copypaste) is to provide different methods :

 getAll(android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase conn)
 getAll(net.sqlcipher.database.SQLiteDatabase conn)

second is to wrap this class with some other in every flavour importing proper database(aggregation, composition as SQLiteDatabase is final):

import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
public class SQLliteDatabaseFlavoured   {
     SQLiteDatabase sqLiteDatabase;

With usage:

getAll(SQLliteDatabaseFlavoured.SQLiteDatabase conn)


  • ok I finally found solution based on @Jim's answer. Big Thanks!

    It's not the cleanest but it wokrs. I create two tasks to copy files

    task copyNoEncryption << { 
    //copy to temp folder
    copy {
    //copy back to correct folder and replace string's
    copy {
        filter {
     //you have to remember that first argument is REGEX and second is normal String
            String line ->
                line.replaceAll("before REGEX",
                        "after STRING")
    //delete temp folder

    and second task working analogously

    task copyEncryption << {
    //same body but reverse string swap 
    //REMEMBER in replaceAll 1st arg is REGEX and second is String

    now I'm adding execution this task before respectively flavor

    android.buildTypes.all{ theBuildType ->
    tasks.whenTaskAdded{ theTask ->
        if( == "generateFlavorWithoutEncryptionr${}Sources"){
            theTask.dependsOn "copyNoEncryption"
        else if( == "generateFlavourWithEncryption${}Sources"){
            theTask.dependsOn "copyEncryption"

    Now every time when I'm building flavor I have correct libraries. Hope that someday this will help someone.