I have types declared as:
TPlayer = class(TObject)
TBullet = class(TObject)
TEnemy = class(TObject)
and objects:
Player: TPlayer;
PlayerBullets: Array[1..20] of TBullet;
Enemies: Array[1..20] of TEnemy;
EnemyBullets: Array[1..20] of TBullet;
Now I want to create TBullet constructor, which can process informations from both Player and Enemies. In short, I want this constructor to handle both TPlayer and TEnemy objects.
My idea is:
constructor TBullet.Create(const Source: TObject);
Sadly it does not work. How to do this?
EDIT: My exact problem is: when I pass TPlayer or TEnemy object to this constructor it doesn't see atributes of those objects. For example: TPlayer has attr xPos. If I use Bullet.Create(Player) and in TBullet.Create I use Source.xPos I get an error.
I can think of 3 ways to achieve that.
By that I mean:
constructor TBullet.Create(const Source: TObject);
vPlayer : TPlayer;
vEnemy : TEnemy;
if Source is TPlayer then
vPlayer := TPlayer(Source);
[Do whatever with vPlayer]
end else if Source is TEnemy then
vEnemy := TEnemy(Source);
[Do Whatever with vEnemy]
Which solution is the best? That could be a debate in itself and largely dependant on your specific situation. Based solely on the name of your class, I'd guess option 1 could be valid. A "TCharacter" class could be created and use as a base calss for both TCharacter and TEnemy. But this is mere speculation at this point.