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RequiredPageContentNotPresent error in geb 0.12.2

I am getting the following error when trying to run a geb test as a part of a Maven build in Eclipse:

Scenario: Perform login  Time elapsed: 0.009 sec  <<< FAILURE!
geb.error.RequiredPageContentNotPresent: The required page content 'userName - SimplePageContent (owner: LoginPage, args: [], value: null)' is not present

The only pattern to the error seems to be that it is thrown every time I try to use the geb selector to select/find some page content, but using the selector should work out-of-the-box, right?

I am using the following tools and libraries:

  • Eclipse Mars Java EE ID (version: 4.5.1)
  • geb (version 0.12.2)
  • Selenium (version 2.48.2)
  • Groovy (version 2.4.5)
  • Cucumber (version 1.2.4)

Here is my .feature file:

Feature: Login

  Scenario: Perform login
    Given the user is at the login page
    When the user enters <some_uid> and <some_pwd>
    Then the user should be logged in

Here is my steps definition:

package stepdefs

import pages.LoginPage

import static cucumber.api.groovy.EN.*

Given(~"the user is at the login page") { ->
    to LoginPage
    assert at(LoginPage)

When(~"the user enters (.*) (.*)") { user, password ->
    at LoginPage

Then(~"the user should be logged in"){ ->
    assert at(LoginResultPage)

Here is my page definition:

package pages

import geb.Page

class LoginPage extends Page {

    static url = "/TSADG_BORGER/"       
    static at = { title == "TastSelv Borger" }

       static content = {       
        loginForm { $($/form/$,id:"mainForm") }
        userName { loginForm.find("input",id:"pnr") }
        pass { loginForm.find("input",id:"tastselvKode") }
        buttonLogin { loginForm.find("input",id:"bt1") }

    def doLogin(user, password) {
        userName = user
        pass = password

Here is the HTML for the form:

<form id="mainForm" action="/TSADG_BORGER/" role="form" method="post" autocomplete="off">
                <input type="hidden" name="dispatch" value="Valider">       
                <div class="row skts-centered-padding">
                    <div class="col-sm-12">                         
                        <h1>Log på med TastSelv-kode</h1>
                    <div class="col-sm-6">
                        <div class="skts-process-form-section skts-required  ">
                            <p><label for="pnr">Cpr-nummer</label></p>
                                <input id="pnr" type="text" value="" class="form-control skts-required-val" name="pnr" size="16" maxlength="14" data-validation-event="blur" data-show-type="string" data-show-facets="pattern" data-show-facet-values="/(^\d{10}$)|(^\d{6}\-\d{4}$)/" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby="pnrError " autocomplete="off">                                   
                        <div class="skts-process-form-section skts-required">
                            <p><label for="tastselvKode">TastSelv-kode</label></p>
                                <input id="tastselvKode" type="password" value="" class="form-control skts-required-val" name="tastselvKode" size="16" maxlength="16" data-show-type="string" data-show-facets="pattern" data-show-facet-values="/^[^]{7,16}$/" data-validation-event="blur" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby="tastSelvKodeError " autocomplete="off">                                                                    
                            <input type="submit" id="bt1" class="btn btn-primary skts-validate" value="Fortsæt" autocomplete="off">

Any help and input is appreciated.


  • The problem has been resolved.

    I was so convinced that it had to be a problem with the selectors, so it took me a while to get my head out of the sand and take a step back. When I did that, I realised that the URL in the "LoginPage" class actually did a redirect to another page, which I was not expecting. The page I was redirected to did obviously not contain any of the objects I was looking for in my contents section. So, when the error message stated that "The required page not present", then that was absolutely correct.

    Really silly mistake on my part...