we've meet with really weird problem. Our simple queries to MongoDB takes really long time to return any document. Database is well indexed. We've made few tests and here they are:
File.find({sharename: '7iPJUtP2'}, function(err, shares){
console.log fires after 60s.
Then we use .native() method:
File.native(function(err, collection){
collection.find({sharename: '7iPJUtP2'}, {})
.toArray(function (err, results) {
Here console.log fires in 103ms.
The stack we use is:
Can someone help with this issue?
File.find({sharename: '1'}) executes in 50ms.
File.find({sharename: 'a'}) executes in 18000ms.
Documents are identical except of sharename field.
Finally i found the problem. Mongo query builder makes query to look like .find({ sharename: /^qwerty$/i }})
instaed of
.find({ sharename: 'qwerty' }})
. It works great in latest MongoDB versions, but for mongo 2.0.1 it doesn't use indexes.
I had to fix this issue directly in sails-mongo package. I have create fork, so if anyone will meet this problem you can use it. https://github.com/rparaschak/sails-mongo.git