hi ive got a json file. that i can modify . but i need to access by its name. i need to access it like this
var result = sitelang.brands["en"] ; // or
var result = sitelang.["brands"]["en"] ;
did i make it understandable . im non native sorry for mistakes.
than you in advance .
and good luck!! with your projects.
EDİT real json file
"Brands": [
"en": "Brands",
"tr": "Markalar",
"de": "Marken",
"bg": "Производител",
"el": "μάρκες",
"uk": "бренди",
"nl": "Merken",
"Products": [
"en": "Products",
"tr": "Ürünler",
"de": "Produkte",
"bg": "Продукти",
"el": "προϊόντα",
"uk": "продукти",
"nl": "producten",
"Search_Results": [
"en": "Arama Sonuçları",
"tr": "Search Results",
"de": "Suchergebnisse",
"bg": "Резултати от търсенето",
"el": "Αποτελέσματα Αναζήτησης",
"uk": "Результати пошуку",
You can use Json.NET to parse the JSON without declaring classes ahead and then convert it into a dictionary using LINQ:
var root = (JObject) JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
var brands = root["Brands"]
.ToDictionary(j => j.Name, j => j.Value);
To lookup the translation of a specific brand simply use the dictionary:
var translatedName = brands["en"];
Replace the "Brands"
string with "Product"
or "Search_Results"
to create the other two dictionaries.
From your comment I can understand that you have many translations. In that case you can create a dictionary of dictionaries:
var root = (JObject) JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(json);
var dictionary = root
j => j.Name,
j => j.Value
.ToDictionary(k => k.Name, k => k.Value)
And get the translated name like this:
var translatedName = dictionary["Brands"]["tr"];