I am playing around with the custom operator >>>
for function composition that is suggested here.
I have defined the following:
infix operator >>> { associativity left }
func >>> <A, B, C>(f: B -> C, g: A -> B) -> (A -> C) {
return { x in f(g(x)) }
func toChars(s: String) -> [Character] {
return s.characters.reduce([]) { (acc, c) in acc + [c] }
func myReverse(xs: [Character]) -> String {
if let (head, tail) = xs.decompose {
return String(myReverse(tail)) + String(head)
return ""
Now, when I want to put together those two functions like this:
func reverseString(s: String) -> String {
return myReverse >>> toChars
I am getting the compiler error:
Cannot convert value of type
([Character]) -> String
to expected argument type_ -> _
According to my understanding this should work. >>>
is defined to take two functions f : B -> C
and g : A -> B
. Looking at the structure of my usage, the following becomes clear:
in this case is toChar : String -> [Character]
, so A
is String
and B
is [Character]
in this case is myReverse : [Character] -> String
, so B
is [Character]
and C
is String
This matches the type definitions form above, however I am still getting a compiler error. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Is there a syntax issue with the code?
Note, I am using an Array
extension where the function decompose
is defined like so:
var decompose : (head: Element, tail: [Element])? {
if count > 0 {
return (self[0], Array(self[1..<count]))
return nil
myReverse >>> toChars
returns a closure of type String -> String
you still have to call the closure with a string argument:
func reverseString(s: String) -> String {
return (myReverse >>> toChars)(s)
But what you probably want is:
let reverseString = myReverse >>> toChars
In both cases, reverseString
has the type String -> String
so you can call it as
// oof