I have just destroyed an entire style.css file on a server. I was really tired and managed to delete the entire thing.. Now i need to recover this somehow. I have already pressed ctrl + f5 to view the changes but ofcourse i broke the entire thing.
I am using mozilla firefox and have tried using about:cache in the browser window but it only displayed the empty version of style.css.
Do you guys think i could locate the mozilla firefox cache folder and try recovering the entire folder searching for the file. But i have heard that firefox is using a security feature that doesn't name the files in original file names and extensions?
Id be grateful for any help!! Thanks
I was able to scavange the file using this software http://www.nirsoft.net/utils/mozilla_cache_viewer.html on another company pc that still had it in the cache.
But lesson of the story is have backup and do use git!! Will save you a lot of hassle.