Currently I'm fiddling around with a haskell problem concerning an 2D ST Array and recursion.
Given a 2D position and an array of directions, I wrote a line returning a list of all resulting points inside the array:
let cellsAround = [resPt | dir <- directions,
let resPt = (fst dir + fst point, snd dir + snd point),
fst resPt >= 0 && fst resPt <= fst maxIdx &&
snd resPt >= 0 && snd resPt <= snd maxIdx]
Now the goal is to enrich the resulting list items with the contents of the array and I tried this one:
cellsAround <- sequence [readArray board resPt | dir <- directions,
let resPt = (fst dir + fst point, snd dir + snd point),
fst resPt >= 0 && fst resPt <= fst maxIdx &&
snd resPt >= 0 && snd resPt <= snd maxIdx]
This also works great. But the goal is to get a combination of both [(Point, Int)] because I have to filter on the array content.
Any ideas how to combine this to, say
(resPt, readArray board resPt)
A minimal change:
sequence [(,) resPt <$> readArray board resPt
| ...