Please can someone clarify something which I should really know by now?
If I have Three Entitys Organisation, Director and Company secretary and each have the attribute primary address.
If I were modelling a conceptual ERD should I have the attribute ‘primary address’ separately in each entity or should I model a fourth entity Address, add primary address and have them all PK > FK to that?
Have since found this link Is this a good way to model address information in a relational database? which pretty much covers everything I need to know.
I would do something like this, assuming primary address refers to the Organization location:
Org_Key {PK},
Primary Address fields,
Any other fields
Person_Key {PK},
Org_Key {FK},
Position {Directory, secretary, etc},
Any other fields
In my opinion, there is really no need to separate those who are "Directors" from those who are "secretaries" because they are both employees of a specific Organization.
Now, if by primary address you mean a personal address (i.e., an individuals home address) then I would add additional fields to the Personnel table.