I am trying to get collections that are non-empty, i.e. have at least 1 object. Collection entity has OneToMany relationship with Object entity. I am using KNP paginator to paginate result. This is my function:
public function fetchAction(Request $request){
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$page = $request->get('page', 1);
$limit = 10;
$collections = $em->createQueryBuilder()
->add('from', 'CollectionBundle:Collection c LEFT JOIN c.object o')
->orderBy('c.date', 'DESC')
$collections = $this->get("knp_paginator")->paginate($collections, $page, $limit);
return $this->render('CollectionBundle:Collection:fetch.html.twig', [
'collections' => $collections
I keep getting following error
Cannot count query that uses a HAVING clause. Use the output walkers for pagination
Without 'Having' clause everything works fine, but I must get non-empty collections.
wrap-queries solved this problem
$collections = $this->get("knp_paginator")->paginate($collections, $page, $limit,array('wrap-queries'=>true));