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Creating objects (JTextfields) inside loop with different names

Is it possible to create multiple JTextFields with different names inside a loop?
I need to so this since I later need to get the text that is in each of them, I need to do something like this:

while ( {
    p_vertabla.add(new JLabel(sst_ResultSet.getString(1));
    p_vertabla.add(new JTextField(sst_ResultSet.getString(1)));

This works just fine when adding the JLabel and the JTextField the way I want it to the JPanel p_vertabla, but I don't know how to later call the method .getText(); on the JTextFields.

How can I create the JTextFieldsin the loop or how can I later call the method on them?


  • I'm answering my own question with a little from a comment on the question, I found out that there is no need to assign the variables a name, with an ArrayList<JtextFiel> will work, the point is just to follow the order in what they were added to the JPanel that way I was able to retrieve the information associated with the JTextField in that particular position. I did something like this:

    ArrayList<JLabel> listadelabels = new ArrayList<JLabel>();
    ArrayList<JTextField> listadetextfields = new ArrayList<JTextField>();
    ArrayList<JCheckBox> listadecheckbox = new ArrayList<JCheckBox>();
    Statement stmt=db.createStatement();
        ResultSet sst_ResultSet = stmt.executeQuery(query);
        JPanel p_obtenerregistro = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0,3));
        while ( {
            listadelabels.add(new JLabel(sst_ResultSet.getString(1)));
            listadetextfields.add(new JTextField(12));
            listadecheckbox.add(new JCheckBox());
        for(int i=0 ; i<listadelabels.size(); i++){

    And then to get the info associated with the list I did it like this:

    for (int i = 0; i < activos; i++) {
                atributos[i] = listadetextfields.get(arreglodeactivos[i]).getText();
                columnas[i] = listadelabels.get(arreglodeactivos[i]).getText();
                ModificarRegistro.where = ModificarRegistro.where + columnas[i] + "=" + "'" + atributos[i] + "' AND ";

    I really hope it could useful for a lot of people